www.curator.ie, EYEBALL publishing, Ciarán Walsh, Boooleenshare, Ballyheigue, Pauline O'Connel, Artist, One Percent For Art, Kerry County Council, Vincent O'Shea, Milltown, Co Kerry

Paul Galvin filmed for Andrew Duggan, Kerry and New York, 2011.

The art of handball: screen grab of Paul Galvin playing handball during a shoot for a new artwork by Dingle based artist Andrew Duggan


Paul Galvin in new artwork filmed by Ciarán Walsh | curator.ie for Andrew Duggan



Andrew Duggan and Ciarán Walsh have collaborated on artworks for 10 years, producing the groundbreaking rEVOLUTION project in 2004/5 and continuing on with a series of film based artworks and performances. The Paul Galvin shoot is part of a series that Andrew is working on for exhibition in New York. It focusses on the game of handball and the resonance that handball alleys have in contemporary Ireland.

“The handball alley was a significant venue in the cultural and political life of the surrounding community. For the most part it was built by voluntary local labour, though alleys were also gifted by landlords and patrons. In the early days, the occasion of a match was a significant local event with matchmakers among the spectators. The alley was often the venue for parish dances and gatherings. Local meetings of the United Irishmen were often held in ‘ball alleys’, the Irish Volunteers drilled in them, and they were also the scene of interegation and execution.” Vernacular Consequences

Earlier in the year Duggan and Walsh worked together on a piece that featured contemporary dancer Adrienne Heaslip. It was shown in the Irish Arts Centre in new York in March 2011.



<img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-1515" title="adrienne Heaslip in an artwork filmed by Ciarán Walsh forAndrew Duggan, March 2011, Irish Arts Centre New York" src="https://redesigncurstg.wpenginepowered.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/adrienne-web.jpg" alt="Ciaran Walsh, www.curator.ie, adrienne Heaslip in an artwork filmed by Ciarán Walsh for Andrew Duggan, March 2011, Irish Arts Centre, New York." width="600" height="390" srcset="http://www web project management tools.curator.ie/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/adrienne-web.jpg 600w, http://www.curator.ie/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/adrienne-web-300×195.jpg 300w” sizes=”(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px” />

Adrienne Heaslip in ‘Court’  by  Andrew Duggan, Irish Arts Centre New York. Photo: Irish Arts Centre