
Ciaran Walsh, www.curator.ie, and Jocelyne Dudding of the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Cambridge University have put together a panel of speakers that ensures a strong Irish dimension to a major conference on the role of photography in anthropology. The panel will include Dáithí de Mórdha of Íonad an Bhlascaoid Mhóir and Mark Maguire, Head of Anthropology in NUIM (National University of Ireland, Maynooth). It will focus on the photography of Alfred Cort Haddon and examine the importance of the Irish Ethnographic Survey of 1891-1903 in terms of a contemporary understanding of the history of anthropology and photography.

The Royal Anthropological Institute has organised the conference in conjunction with the British Museum’s Department of Africa, Oceania and the Americas. The aim of the Conference is to stimulate an international discussion on the place, role and future of photography.