with permission of the Royal Irish Academy © RIA
29 August, 2022
We’re very happy to announce the publication of your masterpiece on Haddon. It goes with an enriched topical dossier.
Christine Laurière & Frederico Delgado Rosa (directeurs/directors)Anabel Vazquez (éditrice/editor)
Encyclopédie internationale des histoires de l’anthropologie
International Encyclopaedia of the Histories of Anthropology
Haddon was written out of the story of disciplinary anthropology in his own lifetime for the same reasons that make him interesting today. He stood in solidarity with the victims of colonialism and his advocacy of an engaged, social and cultural anthropology was widely interpreted as an attack on the academy, church, state, and empire. Moreover, Haddon was the ultimate trickster, a situationist who adopted the persona of a head-hunter to disrupt … continue at https://www.berose.fr/article2641.html?lang=en